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Homestead House: Looms
This picture shows a loom and spinner that might have been used in the 1800’s. In some places where fabric availability was rare, women...
Karen Baney
Oct 27, 20221 min read

Homestead House: Kitchen
I love this picture from the Pioneer Living History Museum of a homestead kitchen. This particular picture comes from a cabin circa...
Karen Baney
Oct 20, 20221 min read

Homestead House: Irons
The row of irons, shown here, are varying in sizes. I’m not sure of the exact dates or eras, but I would guess they were between the...
Karen Baney
Oct 13, 20221 min read

Homestead House: Laundry
This washer machine, the 20th Century (model name), was first produced in the early 1900’s around 1910 by the Nineteen Hundred Washing...
Karen Baney
Oct 6, 20221 min read

Homestead House: Coffee Grinders
On a recent trip to a museum, I was excited to find these three coffee grinders. The one on the top right is an Enterprise coffee...
Karen Baney
Sep 29, 20221 min read

Homestead House: Meat Juice Press
On a research trip to a museum, I came across this fascinating little home appliance. It’s called a meat juice press. Landers, Frary, &...
Karen Baney
Sep 22, 20221 min read

Homestead House: Stove
These two pictures show two different iron stoves. The left picture was most likely made in the early 1900s and is much larger than what...
Karen Baney
Sep 15, 20221 min read
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